Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Persona names are easily changed in Pandora

Pandora carries over from Eudora the ability to define different personas (or personalities), which enable you to do all sorts of tailoring about mail messages are retrieved from mail servers or sent to them.

There is a mandatory "dominant" persona, the bare minimum for Eudora or Pandora to operate. You may create as many other personas as you like, to cater for different mail accounts on different mail servers (Gmail, Outlook Mail, AOL, or whatever), and to cater for different attributes that need to be configured for each specific mail server (POP versus IMAP, security options, account banes and their passwords, etc).

Each persona has its own mix of settings. These settings are stored in different files within Eudora.

In Eudora, when you create a new persona you must give it a unique name (whatever suits you, such as "My Bank" or "Gmail" and the like). An annoyance in Eudora is that there is no way to directly change a persona's name.

If you have a technical bent, you can edit various Eudora files, but this is beyond the capabilities of your average Eudora user.

Not so with Pandora. You merely right-click on the personality name , select Rename… from the context menu:


Then you simply enter the new name:


It couldn't be any easier.


  1. Tony, as a long time Eudora user (co-incidentally also in Melbourne) I am now viewing your blog with great interest. Like you, I have decades of email correspondance tied up in Eudora, with multiple email accounts and personalities.

    One question that would be vital to my making the switch to Pandora would be with regards to Personalities & Filtering. In Eudora, one of the filter actions is 'Make Personality', so that if applied to an incoming email, when you reply the Personality used for the reply is as you specified in the Filter action.

    Is this available in Pandora?

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Kind regards
    David Layton

    1. G'day David! The Pandora built-in Help states: "Set Personality - Assigns the selected personality to message(s)"

      I don't use this capability, but to me Pandora's "Set Personality" looks to be the same as Eudora's "Make Personality" ... As far as I can see, Eudora doesn't actually "make" a new personality but only allows you to "set" or "select" an existing personality just as Pandora does.

      Since you're in Melbourne, why not call my mobile (or Skype me and I can do screen sharing) to discuss, see my website contact page at https://asiapac.com.au/contact.htm and I'm happy to chat with you about this.


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