Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Pandora Mail -- How to avoid sending a message inadvertently

There's a free plug-in for Eudora called Draft It! that's designed to help you avoid sending messages accidentally (before you've checked them for content, spelling, accuracy, recipient addresses etc). It has saved my bacon several times!

When you're in the process of sending a message the plug-in displays the following warning dialog:


It gives you the opportunity to cancel out of the message send operation.

I hoped that the Pandora Mail client would support this plug-in (it doesn't), or have the equivalent function --and it does indeed (it's built in, no fiddling around with installing a plug-in).

You merely have to activate the option "Flag every new draft 'Not Done" like this:


After that, every time you send a message the following warning dialog appears :


Great stuff! … Congratulations to the Pandora developer, Brana.

How I've been testing Pandora Mail in parallel with Eudora

Alter purchasing a Pandora Mail licence (inexpensive), I carried out a migration to Pandora via it "Import Witch" (which took at least 18 hours because of the many gigabytes of messages that built up since starting with Eudora in 1998).

Here's how I've been running the two mail clients in parallel, according to a three-stage cycle.

Use MailWasher to eliminate spam and any other unwanted messages:


In Eudora, ensure that messages are left on the mail server when you read them in:


Go ahead and read the messages into Eudora:


In Pandora, for the persona reading the messages ensure that they are not left on the mail server when they are read in. That is, the Leave mail on server option should be unchecked:


Go ahead and read the messages into Pandora, whereupon they will be removed from the mail server  ready to start the read-Eudora-then-Pandora cycle again.



By following this cycle you should accumulate the same incoming messages in both Eudora and Pandora, so that you hopefully haven;t lost any messages when you ultimately make the decision to stop using Eudora.

Pandora Mail–UI impressions #2 - "Send to Browser"

While viewing messages in Eudora I use the "Send to Browser" context menu entry quite frequently, multiple times per day:


It's a very convenient way to view messages when you want/prefer/need to view the entire message in a browser environment rather than in you mail client app. This can be extremely useful when there are some actions you can take inside your web browser that your mail client cannot perform.

I would love to see it added to Pandora Mail.

Pandora Mail – Why are inline images missing from incoming messages?

I've been running Eudora mail client in parallel with Pandora Mail for about four days so still have a lot to learn about Pandora. partly due to my unfamiliarity with Pandora -- how it operates, and the effect of various Pandora settings -- and partly due to some hiccups with the importation of stuff across from Eudora (perhaps some things were imported into the wrong subfolder, for example).

One thing that's puzzling me is why inline images are not being displayed in messages, as in the following Pandora screenshot:


In Eudora the inline images look something like the following:

This screenshot also demonstrates a big gripe with Eudora, namely, that (before decommitting Eudora in 2006) Qualcomm didn't ever get around to fixing the UTF-8 character encoding issue, and to its great credit one of the best features of Pandora Mail is that character encoding is properly handled (no gobbledegook characters appear inside messages).

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Pandora Mail–UI impressions #1 [UPDATED]

I've commenced a detailed side-by-side comparison of Pandora Mail versus Eudora, and here is some initial feedback on Pandora user interface settings and features that I'd like to see tweaked, made configurable (via Settings dialog), added.


Some are quite important to me, so that I can work with absolute maximum efficiency to save every possible mouse click and button press. Others are of medium or minor importance. They're not presnted in any partocular order, but just as they come to me.



  image Add these to Pandora so that the In or Out mailboxes can be opened instantly, without any scrolling upwards being required. In Pandora there's no quick way to open the In/Out mailboxes when you've scrolled down through the mailboxes navigator in the left panel:


With further investigation, I found that you seem to be able to place ANY mailbox (not just the In and Out mailboxes) on the toolbar,

The above screenshot shows that (as well as In and Out) I decided to placed a mailbox called Pandora Mail on the toolbar as well, which will be frequently used until I've become familiar with using Pandora. … Very nice.

Do this by going to  Settings > Toolbar… Then (1) Click on any mailbox from the list, which causes it to appear in the right-hand panel, and finally (2) Drag the mailbox icon (command) from the right-hand panel to the desired location in the toolbar:


I went back to Eudora and didn't find a way to add mailboxes other than In and Out to its toolbar. … Not so good.



Because I have multitudinous messages across many many mailboxes, I want to squeeze the messages list (inside a mailbox) to eliminate every last fraction of a millimetre of wasted vertical space. This is based on font and font size, as well as the way the mailbox is designed. I've gotten Eudora looking like this: image


The best I've managed to accomplish so far with Pandora Mail client is as follows, where the arrows indicate vertical white space the I'd like to see reduced:





Eudora has a VERY useful "Recent" view, which I use frequently, and it would be great to see this capability in Pandora:



For those who are unaware of this feature, it came with Eudora 7,1 and you see the Recent mailboxes view if you have a non-zero value in the highlighted field in the following screenshot:




Well that's a start, more to follow in coming days …

Saturday, 24 April 2021

I'm migrating from Eudora mail client to Pandora Mail

I've been using the Eudora email client for Windows since 1998.



The paid (Eudora Pro) version reached version before Qualcomm decommitted the product in 2006, but like others I kept using Eudora because it has some features that competitive email clients simply can't match. It still works very well, even now in 2021, but in a couple of areas such as UTF-8 character encoding its age is showing.


.A few days ago I purchased a licence for the Pandora Mail client, and as you can see its UI looks quite similar (but certainly is not identical):



it's my intention in this new blog of mine to document my experiences with migration from Eudora to Pandora and then, over time, to share my ongoing experiences/opinions of Pandora Mail's current features and discuss ways that Pandora might be enhanced.


It's early days. So far, I have use its "Importing Witch" to migrate all my Eudora mailboxes, Contacts, Labels and Messages:


However the "witch" seems to fail in migrating Eudora's mail Filters. Over the decades with Eudora I have set up many fulters to handle incoming/outgoing mail messages (hundreds of them). I consider Eudora's implementation of filters yo be one of the  features that distinguish Eudora significantly from all the other email clients that I've tested.


For me. not getting the filters migrated over to Pandora Mail could well be a showstopper. I've a;ready filed a bug report with Brana,  Pandora's developer, who has sent an initial reply to start a support dialog. Watch this blog for further news.

Send To Browser – How to get it to work in Pandora Mail

In Eudora mail client, the precursor to Pandora Mail, there's a very easy way to open a message; in your Windows default web browser. Yo...